Transparent Plate (Invisalign) - Koşuyolu Park

Transparent Plate (Invisalign)

Transparent Plate (Invisalign)

Invisalign treatment is an orthodontic treatment method that consists of transparent aligners and eliminates the need to wear braces to straighten the teeth. Transparent aligners, called aligners, are prepared individually by orthodontists who have a certificate of expertise in this field. Invisalign transparent aligners, produced with high technology, help the person undergo a fast and comfortable treatment process without affecting their appearance and social life.

What are the advantages of Invisalign (clear plate) treatment?

Invisalign clear aligner treatment has many advantages over traditional braces treatment. Preferred by more than 6 million people in the world, transparent aligners are among the most popular treatment methods of recent years and their usage rate is increasing rapidly. Among the reasons for this:

  • Thanks to the fact that transparent plaques are almost invisible, they do not negatively affect the person’s appearance and social life,
  • It does not require the patient to change their eating habits, as it can be removed and put on during the day,
  • Since it does not contain wires, it does not cause damage to the soft tissues in the mouth,
  • Even at the beginning of the treatment, the final appearance of the teeth can be watched via the virtual environment,
  • Since it does not require frequent doctor appointments as in traditional orthodontic braces treatment, it can be preferred by overseas patients.

Is transparent aligner a treatment suitable for all ages?

Although Invisalign is not an orthodontic treatment method suitable for all ages, the age range that can be preferred is quite wide. To be used in children, the child must have lost all his/her milk teeth. The partial eruption of the second molar is another condition that must be met. In this respect, transparent plaque treatment can be applied from an average of 13 to 14 years of age. There is no age restriction for adults.

Kosuyolu Park Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic has Invisalign Application Certificate.

Şeffaf Plaklar
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Şeffaf Plaklar
Koşuyolu Park Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Kliniği
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