In Which Situations Should Impacted Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted? - Koşuyolu Park

In Which Situations Should Impacted Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?

In Which Situations Should Impacted Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?

In such cases, consulting a dentist without waiting is important for jaw and oral health. Otherwise, problems such as gum problems, bone erosions, jawbone fractures, and in rare cases, cysts turning into tumors may occur.


A wisdom tooth is a tooth that emerges or tries to emerge between the ages of 17 and 25, in the area at the back of the jaw. Wisdom teeth, which are four in total, can come out without any problems, but sometimes they can cause severe pain in the jaw. So, in what cases should wisdom teeth be extracted?


When a wisdom tooth comes out, it opens the gums. In such cases, decay begins as bacteria and food particles enter the opened part. A decaying wisdom tooth can cause other teeth to decay as well. In such cases, it is useful to consult a dentist.

Gum Disease:

Wisdom teeth that come out through the gums cause infection. The resulting infection causes bad breath, edema and severe pain. It is important to consult a specialist dentist without wasting time.

Cyst Formation:

One of the biggest problems caused by wisdom teeth is cyst formation. In order to prevent the formation of cysts that cause problems such as deterioration of the jaw structure, bone damage and tooth deterioration, the wisdom tooth must be removed with the help of a specialist physician.


If the wisdom tooth is impacted, the tooth cannot be removed from the area in one piece. In this case, the tooth to be extracted is cut into pieces by the dentist.

Another method is to remove the wisdom tooth that has not yet erupted by cutting the gum. The extraction will be more comfortable after the gum is cut. All these procedures are performed by a specialist dentist.

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