Root Canal Treatment - Koşuyolu Park

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is applied to clean the decay or infection in the root canal and to repair the tooth. When the dental pulp, called pulp, becomes infected, the pulp in the canal is removed and the resulting space is thoroughly disinfected. The gap is then filled and closed, thus preventing reinfection of bacteria. Root canal treatment is one of the most frequently recommended treatment methods.

Since root canal treatment is often considered a painful procedure, most patients tend to postpone the treatment process. However, thanks to modern techniques, root canals can be treated painlessly and comfortably after one or two sessions.

Root canal treatment has many advantages. Among them:

  • Preferring to repair the tooth instead of extracting it,
  • Preservation of natural tooth appearance,
  • Preventing damage to neighboring teeth,
  • There are reasons such as the ability of the natural tooth to regain its previous performance after treatment.

What are the symptoms that root canal treatment is required?

If the following symptoms are observed, it is necessary to visit the dentist as soon as possible, considering that root canal treatment may be required:

  • Appearance disorders and blisters on the gums,
  • Gums that tend to swell or bleed easily,
  • Fractures that damage the tooth structure
  • Discomfort due to sensitivity in teeth is among the most common symptoms.

What should be taken into consideration after root canal treatment?

The success of the root canal treatment process also depends on the precautions the patient will take to protect his or her teeth. The patient should avoid using his teeth as much as possible. Since there is no treatment that negatively affects daily life, patients can continue their lives within a few hours after the application. Despite this, you should not start consuming food or drink immediately after the treatment, and you should stay away from food and beverages that may cause sensitivity and strain on your teeth for at least 2-3 days. In addition to all these precautions, it is essential to pay attention to oral and dental health and brush your teeth as and as often as recommended. Likewise, dental health should be supported with dental floss and mouthwash.

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